Unrivaled Autodesk AutoCAD compatibility
CADian's native file format is .DWG, so when you open an existing
Autodesk AutoCAD file (R11 to R2008) there's no file conversion and no
data loss. CADian also provides a high degree of compatibility with the
AutoCAD command set, as well as AutoLISP and ADS. That means you can get
to work immediately using the AutoCAD files, commands and applications
you rely on .
Exceptional productivitys
CADian offers smooth Microsoft Windows integration plus many unique
productivity features, including the ability to open multiple drawings
at once; a Drawing Explorer?that lets you review and exchange drawing
content with drag-and-drop ease; and visual customization of menus and
toolbars -- no programming required! And thanks to its ActiveX
integration, you can insert CADian drawings (or just parts of them) into
a Microsoft Office application file or a Visio 2000 Technical Edition
For the first time ever, you can buy a heavy-duty CAD program that's
compatible with the .DWG file format and AutoCAD applications at
mass-market pricing. Other feature-rich, low-cost CAD programs have
tried to create their own standard as opposed to leveraging the existing
.DWG standard. CADian's low price makes it affordable to anyone who
creates and uses DWG files.
Support for AutoCAD command line By clicking the right button of a mouse
on the toolbar then selecting [command bar] from the shortcut menu, or
pressing [F3], the command line appears as in AutoCAD. Furthermore,
users are able to use AutoCAD commands and thousands of programs coded
by AutoLISP, ADS, and VBA.
Digitizer Support Many drafting departments have established routines
using digitizers within their CAD workgroup. For CAD departments that
utilize digitizers as input devices. CADian supports both tablet mode
for tracing and the use of tablet menus for command input.
Native DWG support, dwg files (including R14 to R2004/8)
As AutoCAD, CADian uses native dwg files so that any drawings saved in
AutoCAD from R 14 to R 2004/2008 can be opened, modifed, and saved
without data loss. CADian 2008 happens to open old drawings such as
AutoCAD R 11 - R 14 drawings more easily than AutoCAD
AutoCAD menu (.MNU) and script (.SCR) filesCADian supports AutoCAD menus
(MNU), dialog boxes (DCL), fonts (SHX), scripts (SCR), and symbol
libraries, so you can easily transfer custom AutoCAD environments into
CADian and continue working in your favorite drafting environment.
Object ARX support (not yet supported) Currently, CADian does not
support the Object ARX proprietary language created by Autodesk. CADian
provides complete support for AutoLISP, Autodesk's proprietary macro
language, as well as the Autodesk Development System (ADS), Autodesk's
proprietary programming language. CADian also supports DLL files and
includes a preview version of VBA.
Raster image display (optional)Image Enabler of CADian 2006 supports the
image composed files shch as scanning files or photos on drawings.
Supported formats are BMP, CALS(cg4, gp4, cal, g4), GIF, JPG, PCX, TIF,
TIFF, DAT, HRF, TGA, PNG, RAS, RLC, BIL and lots of images are able to
be attached to a drawing using "detaching", "reloading", and "unloading"
functions. In addition, Combining a raster image and CADian's vector
data generates a drawing and the order between the vector data and
raster image can be controlled. |