CADian 3D
CAD to 3D VR
3D VR to CAD

GStarCAD 2009 Professional

GstarCAD 2009 Standard
CADian 2008
CADian Viewer
CADian MECH-Q-Piping
CADian ElectCAD
Survey / Cogo

Set points

Set points by entering Northing & Eastings or pick a point. (if you pick a point on a 3D object, the elevation will be used for the point). You may also set points by entering a station and offset.

Automatic Linework and point symbols! 

Note: Whenever you add points to the drawing a user definable block can also be placed there automatically, such as an iron pipe or a power pole etc. Linework may also be imported from field codes. 

Boundary Traverse and Sideshot  

Set points using a boundary traverse or sideshot with turned angle, North azimuth or South azimuth (use vertical angle or difference in elevation).

Radial stakeout 

Select the points you need for a radial stakeout. Create a radial stakeout report using Turned Angle or North or South Azimuth.

Inverse points by entering the point number.

Find intersections by Bearing - Bearing, Bearing - Distance, Az - Az, Az - Distance, Distance - Distance, Line - Arc, and Point offset to a line. 

Draw by point number 
You may draw a line from point to point by entering the point number. 
Import / Export

Import points from an ascii file or export points to an ascii file. A file is created with Point Number, Northing, Easting, Elevation and Description. You may also create a Point List for viewing in the same format. 

Manipulate points 

You may manipulate points in the drawing by moving or rotating them, you may change the elevation of a group of points, you may resize existing points in the drawing and you may also pivot the points about their placement point. 


You may label the bearing (or North or South Azimuth) and distance of a line by selecting it or by picking points. You may label a curve (radius, length)? or (delta, radius, tangent, length and chord bearing & length) by selecting it or by picking points. 
Label coordinates by picking a point. 
Label areas by selecting a closed polyline. 
Label station and offset from an alignment (line, polyline or arc). 


You may list the bearing and distance of a line by selecting it. 
You may list a curve (delta, radius, tangent, length and chord bearing & length) by selecting it. 

Compute Areas 

You may let the program automatically compute lot areas by Slide Bearing or Radial methods.

Drafting Aids 

To help you in creating your drawing, we offer a collection of drafting aids. You may import a text file, insert a graphic scale or place crowsfeet on a line. You may Label stations on an alignment, create a profile coordinate system, label elevations by picking and extract a profile from 3d faces or from 3D lines. You may place text in a line or find and replace text in the drawing. 


CADian | CADD 2008 | CADian MECH
CADian Architectural | CADian ARCH | CADian electcad
CADian/Mech-Q Piping | CADian/Mech-Q HVAC Ducting | CADian/Mech-Q Structural
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